Editorial guidelines

Our mission is to provide you with the most study-based and unbiased source of information available in the German-speaking world. We practice this by ensuring that we have a diverse team of researchers who read all relevant scientific papers in full and have no conflicts of interest.

Integrity of our collaborators

We do not accept advertising or content from outside sources. As such, all content on our website is created by staff.

In addition, all staff members are free from any conflicts of interest. Each member declares that they do not benefit, directly or indirectly, from outside sources that could bias our analysis. Our authors and their collaborators have full independence in researching and analyzing scientific papers.

All revisions to our pages are publicly available so you can see how we update our work to reflect the latest research.

Content Creation Process

All information published here goes through several editing steps to ensure that the information presented is accurate, study-based, and unbiased.

At a minimum, the typical process for each letter is as follows:

    1. Researcher and reviewer create an outline to fully address the question/topic at hand.
    2. Researcher writes the article


    1. Article is edited by a content editor


    1. Article is edited by the editor


  1. Article is reviewed by reviewer
  2. Corrections and clarifications are incorporated at each level
  3. Article is published on the website

Almost every article has gone through more than 10 hours of concentrated writing/editing/reviewing before publication. Most articles take dozens of hours from conception to publication. Our content is updated regularly, making it the sum of hundreds of hours of work.


We are committed to making corrections and clarifications should an issue arise. We take prompt action to review all concerns brought to our attention by our readers. We will promptly update the content of this website if there are justifiable deficiencies. This includes new information that was not available at the time of publication and any other necessary updates to an article.

If you believe you have found incorrect information on our website, please contact us. Our goal is to be the most accurate and up-to-date source of information available in the German-speaking world.